Rowmari, Kurigram faces harsh winters, with temperatures dropping to uncomfortable lows, leaving vulnerable communities struggling to stay warm. Many residents, especially the elderly, children, and low-income families, suffer due to a lack of warm clothing and blankets. Health issues like colds, pneumonia, and respiratory problems surge during this time, further burdening those without access to proper healthcare. The need for warm blankets and winter essentials is urgent to alleviate their suffering and ensure they can endure the season safely. A little help can bring warmth and comfort to those in need.

In order to bring warmth & comfort to the people of this area, Rotary Club of Dhaka Luminous has distributed 450 Pcs of blanket in Fulbari, Rowmari of Kurigram District. Estimated value of this banket is BDT 162,000. The blankets were sponsored by Persona Beauty salon, Mrs. Runu Mosharraf & Family. The blankets were distributed with assistance from Club GSR PP Md Bayezidur Rahman MPHF and RCC Rowmari of RC Dhaka.

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