RCD Luminous has organized a family day and Club Training during its fortnightly meeting at Grace 21 Smart Hotel on 19th September 2020. This was the first physical meeting since the outbreak of COVID-19 in March. Club president Rtn. Hadi Mizan Al Hossain presided over the meeting and reported club progress since commencement of his presidency period. At his request Project Director Rtn. Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF has reported all the projects the club has participated and planning to participate. After the fortnightly meeting, Rtn. CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD, Club trainer and Deputy Governor of 2020-21 has conducted a seminar on Foundations to form a Dream Team. In his speech he mentioned how teams are forms and what characteristic must have to become a dream team. He also explained how Rotary works as a dream team. Club GSR Rtn. Bayezid has explained how rotary comes together in providing service to the society. After the secretarial announcement, meeting was adjourned. Rtn. CP Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD, Club trainer and Deputy Governor of 2020-21 then hosted the club members and the guest for dinner.

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