Rotary club of Dhaka Luminous held its 1st board meeting on 7th July 2024 at Ajo Idea Space, Gulsha-2, Dhaka during 5.30 PM to 6.30 PM. Club President Rtn. Al Amin Redwanur Rahman PHF conducted the meeting as chairman. In the meeting Club Secretary Rtn. Kazi Kawser Sweet, Club treasurer Rtn. Md. Muniruzzaman, Club Trainer & CP Rtn. Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD, Immediate Past President Rtn. Md. Monjurul Karim PHF, President Elect Rtn. Bhaskar Ranjan Saha PHF, PP Rtn. Abdur Rahim PHF PP Rtn. Hadi Mizan Al Hossain PHF, PP Rtn. Md. Mushfiqur Rahman PHF, PP Rtn. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque MPHF, PP Mohammad Abdullah PHF were present. Other members of the board were absent and granted leave of absence.

In the meeting following Agenda was discussed:

  • Discussion on club budget.

Club President and Treasurer proposed an increase of Annual membership subscription to BDT 36,000 from existing BDT 31,000 and BDT 18,000 for spouse member from existing BDT 15,000. After discussion and different analysis., Board have approved annual membership fee of BDT 35,000 for general members and BDT 15,000 for spouse members for rotary year 2024-25.

  • Discussion on continuation of service projects and new project ideas.

Club president informed that club has rebranded its existing project into 7 projects aligning with Rotary’s 7 area of focus. Each project has been assigned a lead under Director-Service project’s supervision.

Rotary’s Area of Focus Luminous Project Name Project Activities Project Head
Promoting Peace Project Harmony Peace building activities Kazi Saiful Hoque PHF B MD
Fighting Diseases Project Vision Eye Care Mohammad Abdullah
Clean water, Sanitation & hygiene Project Spring Deep tube well installation Md. Monjurul Karim PHF
Saving Mother & Children Project Care Nutrition & health check Md. Shahidul Hoque MPHF
Supporting Education Project Aspire Sleeping Kit, Sponsorship, Furniture Md. Mushfiqur Rahman PHF
Growing Local economies Project Transform Training, Sewing machine etc. Md. Abdur Rahim PHF
Protecting the environment Project Green Tree Plantation, Palm seed planting Hadi Mizan Al Hossain PHF

Each project leads are to develop their project plan and budget.

  • Assignment of committee members

The board has given authority to Club President to assign Strategic Committee members.

  • Determining club goals

The board has reviewed immediate past year club goals and discussed for the current year. Club President has been given authority to update the club goals in Rotary Website.

  • Review of current financials, discussion on next year’s budget.

Member of the board have discussed about last year club expenses including project expenses. As club financial statement was not yet prepared, full financial status is not yet clear. Immediate Past Treasurer has been asked to prepare and submit the financial statements as early as possible before submitting to the present Club Treasurer.

Board also discussed about outstanding membership subscriptions and probable options to collect the dues. It has been decided that if dues are not cleared on regular basis, membership may be terminated based on membership committee recommendation.

 Sponsored of interact club.

Club president have informed that Itr. Morsadul Alam Mosfiq, President elect, Interact Club of Dhaka Old City have approached us to become the sponsoring club of their Interact Club. Their existing sponsoring club have winded up. Club president invited them for a meeting to have better understanding of their club activities and their members. Other member of the board has shown interest to be the sponsor of the club subject to goal alignment with RC Dhaka Luminous. President have been given authority to discuss with the interact club and report to the board.

  • Any other business (Approval on invitation to be Member of RC Dhaka Luminous)

Board members have discussed about increasing members of the club. It has been informed that Mr. Faruk Ahmed, Manager, Brac Bank Limited have expressed his interest to become member of the club after attending several meetings of the club. The Board has approved decision to invite him as member in the next meeting. Subject to his acceptance, he will be anointed as Rotarian and member of the club from second next meeting. The board has also decided to extend invitation to Mr. Mohammed Hamidul Islam FCA, who have also attended two general meeting, be a member of Dhaka Luminous.

There being no other agenda, meeting was adjourned with notice of next board meeting to be held in August 2024.

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